Psilocybe sp.
(also known as Psilocybe weraroa var. subsecotioides, or, Psilocybe sect. Cyanescens 'subsecotioides')
Pileus/Cap: 15mm to 45mm. Various forms ranging from secotioid (pouch-like) to agaricoid (open-gilled mushroom shape), often with a wrinkled margin resembling a pouch with a drawstring. Hygrophanous. Young specimens are caramel brown, maturing to olive brown or pale grey brown to glaucous depending on moisture level.
Lamellae/ Gills: Pale greyish-brown when young, chocolate brown when mature and with a whitish margin. Lamellate (gilled), although if a horizontal cross section is made near the apex of the pileus there is some anastomosis in the gills and some loculate hymenium is evident and is very similar to the mature gleba of P. weraroa.
Stipe/Stem: White, fibrillose, usually very reduced or stunted but occasionally much longer depending on environment, 20mm to 30mm by 4mm to 8mm, attenuated towards the base. Veil remnants fibrillose to somewhat membranous. Base with distinct rhizomorphic mycelium.
Bruising and spore print: Bruises blue when handled or damaged. Reluctant to print/poor quality. Spore colour purple-brown.
Distribution and habitat: Observed throughout NZ from March to December, though more commonly found in the Auckland/Waikato regions and from April to October, growing gregarious to caespitose from wood chip gardens, preferring the same habitat and substrate as Psilocybe subaeruginosa, sometimes found fruiting in the same wood chip mulched gardens.
Comments: Nicknames include subsectoids, sectoids, subsecos, secos and other shortened versions - excluding sub or subs, which refer to Psilocybe subaeruginosa.
Psilocybe section Cyanescens is a group of closely related species, some undescribed, within genus Psilocybe. The name subsecotioides is unofficial but widely used to refer to this species or variation.